Forward, Together...

Your Journey Starts Here

富兰克林 & 马歇尔 College is renowned for its high academic standards, culture of creativity and innovation, and extraordinary opportunities for students to be the curators of their own academic experiences. We are a collaborative community — and together, we create the way forward. 


Let's Raise Our Game!

Each October, the F&M community comes together to Raise Our Game and support the 28 teams of Diplomat 体育运动. Our student-athletes are counting on your help to reach $400,000 and 2,000 donors by October 31.

Support Diplomat 体育运动 »

F&M & Lancaster: Partners in Success

Video by Andrew Bilindabagabo

Liberal Arts at a Glance

A key element of the liberal arts model encourages you to explore a variety of courses and disciplines before choosing a major. 在F&M, you'll explore sciences, arts, humanities and social sciences and gain the confidence to pursue whatever you dream. 因为 with a liberal arts education from F&M, you can do it all.

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Explore, Experience, and Succeed at F&M

研究 Possibilities

The cornerstone of the educational experience we offer is students working side-by-side with faculty who want to help them test ideas — not just talk or read about them. These are not experiences you have to wait until graduate school to pursue. 这是一个 core part of what we do.

A Global Education

Our focus on global education recognizes that, no matter where life takes you after F&M, you will work and live with people with vastly different ways of perceiving our 世界. A global education helps you begin to understand how to negotiate these differences, strengthening your abilities to successfully live and work in our increasingly global 社会.

Success Beyond F&M

We’re a partner in your success on Day 1. Explore how we engage with students across all four class years — and discover how that commitment helps you land jobs in leading industries and gain admission to high-demand graduate and professional programs around the 世界.

Our Home: The City of Lancaster

Centered in a county full of lush, rolling farmland, you’ll find an unexpected urban oasis: Lancaster, Pa., F&M’s extraordinary home city. Lancaster offers a rich mixture of arts and culture filled with experiences for every taste and preference — all within safe walking distance of campus.

discover the city »


October 23, 2023

学生s Closely Examine Ethics in Business

BOS students' engagement in helping vet the ethical practices of select regional businesses coincides with the Enron whistleblower talk at the Oct. 26 Common Hour.

October 20, 2023

Google Software Engineer Shares True Blue Wisdom

Class of 2019 grad Horace Facey's path led him from Jamaica, to F&M, to Google. See how he helps other STEM students succeed. "Mentoring has been an excellent way for me to give back," Facey says.

October 20, 2023

Wrestler Pins Post-Grad Career Thanks to F&米的导师

Wrestling captain Noah Fox excels on and off the mat, thanks in part to guidance from his True Blue mentor. “This program has helped me jump-start my career and secure my dream job as a software engineer," Fox said.