
自信地迎接每一个学期. 在F&M的专业学术支持 resources, we’re committed to ensuring all students on campus have equitable access to the support they need to enhance their academic skill set and success.

辅导 & 学术支持

A constellation of tutoring and academic support services are available to you at F&M,其中许多都位于校园的一个中心位置. 我们提供学术课程 coaching, writing support, peer advising, subject-specific tutoring, and much more. You can partner with professionals and student peers to develop skills as a purpose-driven learner, build habits for success, and reflect on how your knowledge provides momentum 为了实现你的目标.


We believe success in college is optimally attainable when your whole person — academic, 个人的、情感的和身体的——都参与其中. 当压力大的时候,学习是最佳的 最小的. Because of this, we incorporate wellness planning into all academic support 项目.



F&M’s faculty-based advising program blends practical and holistic advice to foster 学生代理在他们的大学经历. 我们鼓励学生进行批判性思考 about their choices in order to find the academic program that best encourages their 发展. Faculty advisers are given extensive support and training resources so as to learn how to provide students with access to the tools they need to thrive.


You’ll be connected with a first-year advising mentor (FAM) 来帮助你 successfully 从F开始你的旅程&M. 您的FAM将协助您入职和学习 F&M的学术文化, help you add or drop a class to choose that perfect schedule, 向您介绍F .的许多可用资源&M,谈谈深层次的问题 life, and provide tips on where to shop for your new College House room. 最重要的是, FAMs将是你整个F的重要资源&M经验,倾听 to your story and helping you craft a distinctive academic path that suits your interests.


F&M 's定量与科学中心&SC)提供帮助,选择课程在 math, biology, chemistry, physics, economics, business, computer science, psychology, 和统计数据. Q&SC导师是已经修过相关课程的学生 they tutor and have been recommended and approved by the respective departments. 通过 peer-to-peer help, you will “learn how to learn” science and quantitative content, building problem-solving skills, enhancing study skills, and mastering course content ——无论你的学术背景、水平和目标如何.


Whether you’re composing your first college paper, preparing a presentation, or working 通过你的荣誉论文,F&M的写作中心在任何时候都是一个很好的资源 你的学术之旅的阶段. 我们的导师可以帮助你完成学习的每一步 writing process, from talking about your work; discussing, developing, and clarifying your ideas; and improving your writing style. 


  • 一项作业,包括创造性写作或小组论文
  • 一些粗略的想法
  • 部分草案
  • 一篇完整的论文
  • 一系列的ppt幻灯片
  • 口头陈述,包括彩排
  • 你希望修改的已评分的论文
  • 简历或个人陈述

The Writing Center also offers a space for you to write, computers for public use, a technical library for consultation, and a variety of online resources, including a guide that covers how to avoid plagiarism and ethically using research materials.


As an international or multilingual student, you will find unrivaled academic support 在F&M. 无论你 academic goals, we offer support tailored to your specific 需要. We work closely with you on a variety of services, making use of your strengths 和技能,帮助你建立信心和技能,在F&M. 

We offer a wide range of support services, including assistance with:

  • 英语语法,修改和校对技能
  • 阅读理解能力
  • 发音和口语能力
  • Writing assignment assistance, including how to form sentences, choose words, and 组织思想
  • 适应文科课程和F&M的学术文化
  • 在你的工作中解释和应用教授的反馈
  • 课堂讨论与参与
  • 记笔记和组织
  • 引用、抄袭和学术诚信
  • 时间管理和学习技能


同侪学术辅导(PAC) is a free support service available to all students at F&M. PACs are academically accomplished upperclass students who receive specialized 支持执行职能流程的培训. 每个PAC都会带来一套特殊的东西 of skills — including strategies for time management, stress management, studying, 和动力——除了他们作为F&米的学生. 无论你 need, PACs are prepared to help strengthen your study skills, navigate schedule changes, set and work toward goals, and find balance as a busy college student. 如果你愿意 有关PAC计划的更多信息,请发送电子邮件至Amy Faust 艾米.faust@aibeshosts.net.


如果一个学生面临着与学业相关的挑战,F&M的学习支持专家, 《BG电子》是个不错的开头. 艾米专注于执行功能支持 helps students navigate the unique challenges of learning in college. 她和 complex learning profiles, learning disabilities, ADHD, or any other challenge that 是否阻碍了他们的学业成功. 艾米负责同伴学术辅导项目, a peer-run network specifically designed for executive function support. 艾米合作 与F&M colleagues to develop programming for students based on current research 以及校园里学生的迫切需求. 你可以直接发邮件给她 艾米.faust@aibeshosts.net.


F&M’s Office of 学生 Accessibility Services helps determine reasonable accommodations for students with learning difficulties; physical, visual, or auditory disabilities; chronic medical conditions; or mental health-related disabilities.


Many students face challenges during college that can interfere with their success. DipCares是F&引导你找到支持性资源 available to you, empowers you to seek them out and ask for help when needed, and 确保教师和工作人员知道如何帮助你,如果你感到痛苦.

图书馆 & 研究支持

You can enjoy individual research advice from a library, access scholarly content, 在F处更多&M’s two research libraries, Shadek-Fackenthal 图书馆 and Martin 图书馆 科学.


如果你在F学习一门语言&M,你可以和一个同侪导师一对一学习 ask questions, learn language-specific study skills, and prepare for exams.


The language experts at our Spanish Language Center are available to help with the 学习用另一种语言进行交流的复杂过程. 你可以转到 SLC for individual, collaborative support to develop your Spanish written and oral expression, from essays and theses to presentations, slide design, podcast, etc. We can also help you prepare for internships and job interviews in which Spanish is required. Whether Spanish is your heritage language or a second language for you, we are here 来帮助你. SLC对所有学院社区开放.

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